Places To Go, Things To Do, People To SeeAfraid of becoming a zombie? What do you think you are
now? Come on, get up. Let's go for a fun-filled spin around the World Wide Web of clinical depression, hm? And, maybe later, we can eat a bunch of chocolate, and jump off a bridge. Or not. There's always tomorrow...
Seriously, get some help. We really do care. Here, read, click, get better. If you need help, ask for it.
" * Depression is one of the most common mental disorders affecting 340 million people in the world today, accounting for a full 10% of productive years lost throughout the world.
* No one is immune from depression - it occurs in people of all social classes, all countries and all cultural settings.
* One in four women and one in ten men can expect to develop depression during their lifetime, but it's not just adults who suffer...
* ...depression affects at least one in 50 children under 12 and one in 20 teenagers.
* About half of all cases of depression is unrecognised and untreated.
* About 10-15 per cent of depressed people take their own lives.
* Depression costs for example the United States an estimated $53 billion each year.
* The World Health Organisation predicts that by the year 2020 depression will be the greatest burden of ill-health to people in the developing world, and that by then severe depression will be the second largest cause of death and disability.
[Above, from a drugco site, which shall be nameless: Beware those who would exploit this disease... ]
"DEPRESSION CENTRAL defining depression""National Institute of Mental Health""The American Psychiatric Association""Take a confidential screening for depression""How to Get Free or Low-Cost Treatment for Depression""Social Support and Helping Yourself Fight Depression""Online Support Groups: Depression : Message Boards and Chat""Anti-Depressants & Side Effects: Drug Search""Social Security and Medicare Payments For Depression""Helping The Depressed Person Get Treatment"
A BLOG IN NEED IS A BLOG INDEEDWon't You Please Help Save This Blog?Kevin Hayden's
"The American Street" is the best blog on the Internet. If you don't know it, get to know it. If you do know it, subscribe voluntarily right away: Send five, ten, twenty, a hundred bucks, or more. Send whatever you can. They really need it. Go here now:
PAYPALEvery little bit helps. Go to PAYPAL, sign in or join up, then paste in this address to send money to The American Street:
( AT = @ ; DOT = . )Thanks.
WE SHOULD OWN THIS ISSUETHE REPUBLICANS WON'TProgressives: "People Are Dying Out There!"Neocons: "Waah-Waah-Waah!"Here's something else that can go in our list of categories for this blog: Health. Or Progressive Wellness, maybe. Why not? The right-wingers certainly don't care about your health: They promote war, air & water pollution, impure foods, dangerous and ineffective drugs, economic stress, underfunding public education, racial strife, poor housing, bad nutrition, and NO health care. I'd say good health was our isue.
What do you think? How about some feedback here, folks?
Turns out, something we like is good for us: Cinnamon. It lowers your blood sugar, which is a good thing, especially for diabetics. Maybe not so good for hypoglycemics; not sure about that. Oh, well, any excuse to go to Cinnabons. Wait, no, the "scientists" say you should avoid the sweet, fatty stuff with cinnamon in it. Shit! Who made THEM scientists, anyway??? And, what about chocolate, you scientific BASTARDS?
Here's all the data currently known to Science about cinnamon, including some very tasty-looking recipes, which, of course, the scientists won't let us vouch for. Or, wait, was that the lawyers? We forget: We haven't been eating enough cinnamon.
"CINNI-MINI'S ARE GOOD FOR YOU???"I've found a few cinnamon recipes on the 'Net. It seems that everyone but us cooks everything with cinnamon, not just desserts. About the only US cinnamon recipes I found were "ethnic," or pork. Or both. I love a good ethnic pork joke. Ha-hah. Can't vouch for any of these recipes, but they look good. Let us know if they're any good.
Thanks to Cul of Ratboy's Anvil for hepping us to this meme, whatever that is. This pair of dimes isdedicated to his continued good health. Cheers, with a hot cinnamon apple cider!
"Diabetes and Cinnamon"
Time To Stop Waiting For Change. Time To Change Things Ourselves.The Great Silent Majority of all of us in the world, which consists of moderates, liberals, progressives and left-radicals, believe in a strong Social Safety Net. We also believe, and practise, reaching out to our fellow strivers, and lending a hand as needed. If you're hungry, I'm sure somebody's got some fish he can spare, here in Hawaii.
I think most of us would rather learn to fish. If there is anybody out there with knowledge of "Internet commerce," and starting your own business, or collective, online, maybe we could organize something. Like:
1. A Progressive Job Bank:Where employers looking for Progressive employees in any field can post job offereings
2. A Progressive Skills & Talents Bank:Where Progressives with some know-how or ability to offer can advertize
3. A Progressive Cooperative Market:Where goods and services can be bartered, traded, rented, bought and sold
4. A Progressive Investment Bank:Whatever the Koreans, and others call it, a sort of private bank, where everybody pays into the kitty, and one or more people get the whole pot each year, to start a business, and then repay the kitty. Not sure exactly how that works: Have to have some controls, I guess: Review of bizplan by accountants, etc; disbursement of moneys by managers on the basis of progress made; mentoring or mgt services by group members; paid, of course. If it were all for online businesses, it might be easier...
5. Progressive Micro-Credit, Grants, Low-Interest Loans:It might help to get a boost on this from a George Soros, or a MacArthur Foundation, or whoever. A lot of people have skills and ideas that could be turned into useful businesses and rewarding careers that support our community, if they could only get a start. Too many people are shut out of the financial system we are all forced to support, while the Big Guys can get huge dollars, blow them all, and still get more. We need an alternative to a system that only loans you money if you DON'T need it. There should be more programs for those in need with a willingness to "work hard and play by the rules;" and a better clearing-house for all available programs: One-stop Internet-shopping that allows anybody to post one application online, and have it go automatically to a number of lenders and grantors. If this already exists, where do I apply?
6. Progressive E-CommerceThe potential is supposed to be tremendous. I've seen the results. But how do we get in on it? And how do we make it profitable? If you know, let's talk shop. We need our own "people's" infrastructure, that serves our needs. I suppose Craig's List and EBay are already doing this, but I have no idea how they work. Also, I think it would be good to perhaps use their services, rather than re-inventing their wheels, but market a Progressive Label, for people who want to support the community and the cause. Sort of like Emily's List. But for the individuals and co-ops on the other end of it.
7. Progressive University: Practical Solutions For Everyday Life:All of the above, a how-to. Anybody got the knowledge? Let's talk.
Anybody have any suggestions, comments, critiques on this? Post them here or email me:cosanostradamusATexciteDOTcom